Marc Allen | The Greatest Secret of All

 In The Greatest Secret of All, Marc Allen explains that there are far greater secrets than the law of attraction. And that some of wealthiest people in the world live lives of misery because they haven’t learned the simple secret of a life well lived. His book gives a clear explanation of how manifestation works and then shows us how we can realize our greatest potential so that we create a life of purpose, happiness and inner peace.

Marc is an author, composer, father, husband publisher and entrepreneur. In the 1980’s he co-founded New World Library, which is now a major player in the independent publishing world. He’s written several books, including The Type-Z Guide to Success, which we’ve reviewed on this show, The Millionaire Course, (we’ve also reviewed) and Visionary Business.

Related Products:

  • The Secret to Attracting Wealth
  • Master the Secret to Attracting Wealth
  • You’ll start attracting, ideas, opportunities and people to make your prosperity goals a reality




  • Fulfill Your Heart’s Desire
  • Increase your attracting force
  • Gain clarity of intention
  • Accelerate manifestation
  • Generate states of joy and well-being