Jonathan Harrison | You are This

Meet Jonathan Harrison author of You are This, Undressing Your Mind: Transforming Your Life and We Are All One. He had a sudden realization and started writing these books to help support the expansion and evolution of human consciousness.

We’ve all heard people talk about states of Oneness Wholeness, Unity and non-duality. But what exactly do these words mean? They are states of being and awareness but what kind of awareness?

We may have an intellectual understanding of what it means to feel connected to a higher power. But for most of us who don’t live in a monastery, sustaining that beautiful feeling of unity, bliss and knowing that you are deeply connected to everyone and everything, is a challenge.

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Release & Let Go

Embrace change
Release attachments
Move forward boldly, without fear


Flow & Synchronicity

Dissolve Obstacles
Manifest with Ease
Enjoy Positive Momentum